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About Fonts


teeinblue supports 2 ways to use Fonts:

Google Fonts

Custom Fonts - Upload your own fonts.

1. Google Fonts

You can search and copy a font name in Google Fonts library.

Then, to use that font for a text layer on your artwork: Choose the text layer > open the font box on the Tool bar > paste the font name to the font family field to select.

2. Custom Fonts

To use your custom fonts, you will need to upload your fonts in Assets > Upload Fonts page.

Currently we only support TTF font, not OTF.

In case you upload a font but it does not show the correct font, please convert your font to TrueType font (TTF).
You can use an online tool ( to convert the font to TTF. (even if your font is already TTF, you should still convert it again).

Some fonts might not support all characters, which can cause missing characters when generating orders.
To check what characters your custom font supports, you can:
Upload your font to this website: - it'll show all available characters in this font.
Review the characters in the font preview after uploading to Teeinblue:
Preview font in Teeinblue

Tips: You can type in the preview box in each font to see the characters.

Font Categories

You can create a category of custom fonts to let your customers pick a font for a text.

Go to Assets > Font categories.
Create a new category.
Click "Add new" button to add a custom font (need to upload a custom font in Upload Fonts page first).
You can change the font name and font thumbnail which will display on store.

In Artwork:
Edit a text layer > choose "Enable personalization"
Enable the "Allow customers to change Font" toggle
Select a font category you've created

Then on store, your customers can personalize the font family of a text by picking a font in the font category. View demo product here

Remember to choose a Custom font for the Default text. If you choose Google fonts, the "Allow customers to change font" feature cannot work.

Updated on: 16/07/2024

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