Articles on: Assets & Cliparts
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Upload and edit Cliparts

What a Clipart Category is

Clipart Category is a collection of images that can serve as an alternative for a specific element in your design. Your customers have the option to select an image from this category to customize your design.

For example, if you upload a category of "background" cliparts:

Then on live store, you can show this category for customers to pick in order to change the background of an artwork.

Create a Category

Go to Clipart Categories page under the "Assets" menu

Click on New Category button

Type a Name for this new category

Choose a Parent Category to place this new category as a sub-category of another category (learn more at Hierachy of Clipart Category)

Leave this option blank if it does not belong to any categories.

Select a Max-width display option.
When you upload a clipart to teeinblue, a preview version of this clipart will be generated. The original clipart will never be showed on the storefront (to optimize the loading speed and prevent thieves), it'll only be used to render order design. So the "Max-width display" option decides the maximum preview size of cliparts on storefront.

Choose the way to display cliparts of this category in "Display cliparts on personalization form as:" option. Learn more at Display setings of Clipart category

Hit Save button to create new category.

After saved successfully, the new category will show up on the category tree on the left.

Upload Cliparts

Click on the Drag and drop/Click to upload zone to start uploading cliparts for this category.

When you upload Cliparts in bulk, please do not turn off the browser or the tab you are viewing. Please be patience and wait for about a few minutes, then click on the Reload button to make sure all the files are uploaded correctly.

Size limit for Cliparts: The maximum size is 64 megabytes (Mb) per clipart (recommend size < 32Mb). Each Clipart cannot exceed 64 megapixels. (You can calculate megapixel by multiplying the height with the width of image. For example: an image is 8000x5000 px --> 40 megapixels)

Bulk upload Clipart: Upload file Zip clipart

To support seller upload clipart easier and quicker, Teeinblue has Bulk Upload feature allows seller to upload multiple clipart files that are compressed into a zip file.
You can go to .... Button next to New Category button > Click Bulk Upload > and you will redirect to the another page to Upload zip file

After uploading, kindly be patient in a few minutes. You can hit View Logs to check on the uncompress process and file status. Once the file status is done, you can hit Refresh button and choose Link to category to check on the category again.

Zip file size should not exceed 512MB and you can only upload 2 zip files at a time.

Edit Cliparts

After uploading a clipart, you'll see "Original Clipart" & "Thumbnail Image".
Thumbnail image is the image representing the original clipart, which shows on personalization form.
By default, the thumbnail image will be generated by trimming the blank area around the clipart and change background to white. You can upload a different thumbnail image to represent your clipart by hovering on the "Thumbnail Image" and click "Change thumbnail".

Click on Clipart name to edit (by default, clipart name = name of the image when uploaded)

Name of cliparts will be displayed on storefront if you choose the Display Settings as Dropdown list of Clipart Name. Or if you enable "Show option name on hover".

Click on the X button to delete a clipart

Click on the transparent square under clipart name to set a color as the clipart thumbnail

Then on storefront, the clipart thumbnail will show as color, not thumbnail image:

Note: If you set a color for a clipart, all of other cliparts in this category will be showed as color. So you need to set colors for all cliparts in a category.

To re-order cliparts, hold the blank space in the clipart row and drag to the correct position.

To sort cliparts by alphabet or number, click on the Sort button above Cliparts section

Updated on: 23/08/2024

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