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How to set up: Customization design image

What is Customization Design Image?

The Customization Design Image is a thumbnail image which shows all the customization options based on the customers' choices.

Teeinblue Customization design image

When the Customers have added an item to cart, they would like to see their customized image inside the Cart Page as well.
By default, teeinblue will automatically replaces the default image of your Theme, and show our customization design image.

The Customization design image can be shown on Cart Page, Cart Drawer, and Shopify Email Templates.
In case our application does not automatically replace these images, you can continue reading this article to add it on your own. (A little coding experience is required)

We prepared a custom coding method to help you show the design customer created (customization design) in different areas in Shopify.

In this instruction, we will instruct you to add customization design in Cart and in Order confirmation email.

If you need to place it else where, feel free to contact us.

Show design in Cart

Method 1: Adding a new Customization Image inside Cart Page

STEP 1: Identify class for the rendered design image placement

Go to Cart page > Right click > Inspect the item in cart

The developer tool will appear and auto detect the HTML tags of your line items details:

Find a class named ".cart-item__details". Double click on ".cart-item__details" then copy it.

Each theme will have a different class name. The purpose is to find the block containing all line item of the product inside cart page.

STEP 2: Add teeinblue's script code to your cart

Log in to your Shopify store admin > Go to Themes > Edit code

Look for file called main-cart-item.liquid. It should be under Sections folder

The file you should be looking for

In main-cart-item.liquid, press key combination Ctrl + F (For MacOS system, it should be Command + F) to open Search box, then paste ".cart-item__details" in search box to search for class

While you are there, look for the nearest <ul> tag, it'll highlight the <ul> line and its </ul> tag. Scroll down and look for the highlighted </ul>.

Add the script code below right under </ul>. Then Save it to activate design in cart.

{% assign customizationImage = %}
{% if customizationImage %}
  <a href="{{customizationImage}}" class="tee-img-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
    <img class="tee-img-fluid" src="{{customizationImage}}" alt="artwork design" />
{% endif %}

Since product in cart can be displayed in line or item differently based on theme, to correctly adding script code, please press Ctrl + F (Command + F for MacOS) and search between "for line in cart" or "for item in cart" or "for lineitems in cart"_.

If search result is "for item", product is displayed in item.
➡ Use the script above normally.

If search result is "for line", it indicates that your product in cart is displayed in line
➡ Replace the "item" in the script above to "line". Like this:

{% assign customizationImage = %}
{% if customizationImage %}
  <a href="{{customizationImage}}" class="tee-img-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
    <img class="tee-img-fluid" src="{{customizationImage}}" alt="artwork design" />
{% endif %}

If search result is "for line_item", product is displayed in line_item ➡ Change the "item" in the script to "line_item".

Method 2: Replacing the default Theme's thumbnail Image

STEP 1: Identify class for the rendered design image placement

Go to Cart page > Right click > Inspect the default image in cart

The developer tool will appear, please hover your mouse over to the cart item section, and select its class

You should select the whole cart section, not just the image itself.

STEP 2: Add teeinblue's scripts into your Theme to replace the default thumbnail image.

Similar to the step above, log in to your Shopify store admin > Go to Themes > Edit code

Look for section called theme.liquid.

Under Layout folder, find the theme.liquid file, click on the file name to open that file on the right.

Ctrl+F to find the tag </head>

Paste the lines of code below above </head> and replace the "yourselector" with the CSS selector you copied in Step 1:

<!--    teeinblue configuration - please do not delete - start  -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    teeinblue = {
      cartContainerSelectors: ['yourselector'],
<!--    teeinblue configuration - please do not delete - end  -->

It will look like this:

Each theme will have a different class name

If you find it difficult to follow this instruction, please contact us for further support.

As of June 2022, Shopify had a new rule regarding Lighthouse speed which we have to comply. If you are using Cart Drawer, or Flyout Cart feature, the Customization design image will only show on the teeinblue's product pages.

Show design in confirmation email

This method works for the basic email templates of Shopify. If you use third-party email, it might not work.


Go to Shopify Settings > Notifications > Order confirmation


Scroll down and look for a line "{% for line in subtotal_line_items %}"


Scroll down and find the closest </td> tag. Then add script code below under that tag.

{% assign customizationImage = %}
{% if customizationImage %}
  <img alt="artwork design" src="{{ customizationImage }}" align="left" width="60" height="60"/>
{% endif %}


Remember to Save after editing email script

Show design in Checkout Page

As of 2023, Shopify no longer use the file checkout.liquid to render the Checkout Page. Shopify has seen moved to Checkout Extensibility - a new foundation for checkout that is more secure, performant, upgrade-safe, and customized using apps.

Teeinblue is now compatible with with this new flow as well.

You will have to be a Shopify Plus user to use the Checkout Extensibility feature.

If you are a Shopify Plus user, please navigate to Store Settings > Customization Images > find For Checkout page block > and click on Add app block button

After that, you will be then re-directed to your Theme's Checkout Page settings.

In this Page, under Order Summary section, please click on Add app block button, and select the Customization Image Preview

When clicking on the Teeinblue block there, you can further modify the Order Summary section. For example, the button label, preview type, etc.

Once you are done, please review the result by adding a Teeinblue product to Cart and see how it goes!

If you find difficult to follow this instruction, please contact us for further support.

Updated on: 17/07/2024

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