Articles on: Store Settings
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General Settings page

You can find Advanced configurations for your store in Store Settings > General Settings. This edit is only applied for one current log-in store, if you want to change the style for another store, kindly click on Switch Store

Change from this page will apply to your store right after you Save the config.

Store Configurations

Add order design URL to Shopify Orders

You can now have an option to add the rendered order design URL to the line item property (the additional properties under each order item) in Shopify. This will help you use third-party application to automatically sync and fulfill your teeinblue orders.

Choose where to sync your rendered design

The link will be generated right when an item is added to cart (when a customization is created). However, it might take up to a few minutes for our servers to actually render the design. Therefore, if you open the design URL too early when the design image hasn’t been rendered yet, it’ll open an error page.

Should you choose to use the setting to sync the rendered design to Shopify line item properties, you will find this in your Order:

Sync Variant's SKU to Shopify

You may create multiple campaigns with the same product base, this setting helps to generate a unique variant's SKU in each campaign to be SKU in Shopify. If disabled, Fulfilled SKU in Product Base will be used to sync to Shopify.

Unique variant's SKU

Bulk Fulfill: Combine orders by Shipping Address

When users select many order items to fulfill at once in Bulk Fulfill, Teeinblue can find among the selected orders and combine those having the same shipping address into one order (this can save the shipping cost). If disabled, Teeinblue only combines orders with the same Order ID.

Please keep in mind that if you use the feature Combine with Shipping Address, then the Fulfillment Shipping Method of all Orders with the same address must be the same, or you will be charged twice for the shipping fee. See the example below for more details:

Make sure the Fulfillment Shipping Method here must be the same

In the example above, these 2 Orders come from the same Customer. However, the Fulfillment Shipping Method are not the same, so these 2 Orders will be fulfilled separately, and cannot be combined. In this case, the Merchant is charged twice for the shipping fee.

Add Fulfillment ID to Shopify Order's tag

When an order is fulfilled by the provider, a Fulfillment ID will be generated and Teeinblue will create a tag in Shopify Order with that ID to help users identify the fulfilled orders easier.


Updated on: 04/07/2024

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