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Team Management

What is Team Management feature?

Our new feature allows store owners actively manage access in the Teeinblue POD Personalizer app.
→ Best use case: for businesses that sell in a team or want to hire outsourced teams.

Store owner

Store owner is the Shopify admin account of a Shopify store. Everyone who logs into Teeinblue via the Shopify admin email will log in as the "Store owner" account.
Store owner has full access of everything, including Team management & Pricing.
Store owner can log into Teeinblue via Shopify admin > Apps, or via the app login screen at

Managing Roles

The store owner can create custom roles with limited permission in Teeinblue POD app, and can assign a role to the staffs.

Create Roles

To create new role, the Store Owner can go to Extras > Staff > Manage Role

In here, the Store Owner can create a custom roles with various permissions:

Continue reading to learn more about each permissions.

The store owner can assign multiple roles to a Staff later. Where the staff can access depends on the permission of the assigned roles.


Detailed Permission

Each of these sections are self-explanatory. These are the permissions that your staffs can access to.

Assets: including the Assets menu: Clipart Categories, Additional Options, Map Styles, Color Categories, Font Categories, Upload Font.
Artworks: Everything inside your Artworks. This role can be used for a designer responsible for creating the Artwork.
Product Bases: Everything inside your Product Bases. This role can be used for a staff responsible for setting up the Product Bases
Campaigns: Everything inside your Campaigns. This role can be used for a staff responsible for setting up Campaigns
Orders & Bulk Fulfill: Everything inside your Orders, Bulk Fulfill and Analytics pages. This role should be used for a particular staff responsible for fulfilling Orders
Store Settings: Everything inside your Store Settings menu. Additional details regarding this section can be found here.

Manage permission includes create, edit, delete actions.

To manage Campaigns, the staffs must have the "View" permission of Assets, Artworks and Product Bases as well.

Teeinblue Staffs

External Staffs (outside of Shopify)

Store owner can invite a staff outside of Shopify to Teeinblue via email.

Go to Extras > Staffs > click on Invite staff button.

Enter the email of the staff and choose roles for the staff.

After the staff account is created, Teeinblue will send an invitation email to the staff's email.

The Staff Member clicks on the invitation link and create a password for their accounts. After that, they can access Teeinblue with limited permissions based on their roles.

The staffs can login directly into teeinblue at and click on the "You are a staff?" link.

Staff Member can login here

Then they can enter their email and password to log in to Teeinblue.

Shopify Staffs:

If your team members have a staff account in Shopify, the store owner won't need to invite them via emails. Teeinblue will automatically create a Teeinblue staff account when they first log in to Teeinblue from Shopify.

By default, when they first log in to Teeinblue from Shopify, they will have an editor role with full access to all pages (except for Staffs and Pricing). Store owner can change their roles in the Staffs page.

As Store Owner, you can edit the roles of any Staff Member here at any time:

Notes: The staffs is given access to your Teeinblue account, meaning that if your account consists of multiple stores, the staff can access all of your stores connected to that Teeinblue account.

Activity Log

As Store Owner, you can view the Activity Log of your Staff Members. You can view which actions were made by which Staff Member of your team.

Be sure to take advantages of the Dropdown Filter. You can use it to sort Staff || Action || Action Type

Updated on: 08/07/2024

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