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Color Categories

What is Color Categories?

Color Categories is a collection of colors that can be an alternative for a color of a text layer. Your customers can pick a color from it to change color of a text layer of your design on the storefront.

Here is an example of a color category:

Color Category in Teeinblue portal

Then on live store, you can show this category for customers to pick in order to change the color of a text layer:

Create a Color Category

Go to Color Categories page under the "Assets" menu

Click on New Category button

Type a Name for this new category and hit on the Create button

Add Colors to a category

To add a color to this category, you can enter the color hex on the text box or choose a color from the color picker. Then hit the Add new button

Edit Colors in a category

After adding colors, by default, the display options on personalization form will be Thumbnail images.

Click on color option's name to edit (by default, color option's name = the color hex you added)

Name of colors will be displayed on storefront if you choose the Display Settings as Dropdown Option Name or enable the Show option name on hover toggle

Click on the X button to delete a color

To re-order color options, hold the blank space on a row and drag it to the correct position.

Use Color Categories in Artwork

Color Categories is currently available when you enable personalization option for text layers.

Then enable the Allow customers to change Text Color toggle and choose color option as Pick a color from a Color category:

Select one color category you created, and you will see all colors from your color category show up on the preview on the right:

Alternatively, you can use the Show color picker feature instead. This will allow the Customers to pick their own color.

After launching a campaign with this artwork, your customers can pick a color to change color of a text layer of your design.

Read more about Add Text & Text Personalization

Updated on: 11/07/2024

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