Articles on: Getting Started

Support Policy

Support Time

Mon - Fri | 2am - 11am UTC (9am - 6pm GMT+7)
All conversations will be answered within 20 hours (weekdays).

Support Channel

Live chat in app

Live chat in app

If you don't see the live chat in app, please email to

We don't provide support via personal email or call.

Support Scope

✔️ In Scope:

Provide instruction for a feature
Fix bug
Provide updates
Customize styles of app (resolution time <= 45 minutes)
Conflict with other app (resolution time <= 45 minutes)

❌ Out of Scope:

Set up a demo, campaign
Customize styles of app (resolution time > 45 minutes)
Add or modify a feature (we only update globally for all users)
Conflict with other app (resolution time > 45 minutes)
Customize theme
Fix or customize other app
Provide POD information or resources (cliparts, trend...)

Teeinblue reserves the right to discontinue providing support for any users uncooperative, violating, or insulting our app or team.

Updated on: 20/05/2022

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