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Translating Teeinblue Product Pages

If you are selling to multiple Shopify Markets, you will find the need to localize your contents to optimize shopping experience for the Customers.

By default, only your store's primary language is active. To sell in multiple languages, activate additional ones for each market if you use subfolders, subdomains, or top-level domains. Otherwise, only the primary language is available.

After setting up multiple Markets and Languages in your Shopify store, you'll notice that Teeinblue content hasn't been translated yet. This article will guide you through the steps to translate Teeinblue Product Pages based on each Market you are selling to.

Before we begin, we hope the following Articles from Shopify Help Center will help you out. Please take a quick read through them to have a better understanding of Shopify Markets and Languages:

Regarding Shopify Market
Regarding Languages

Please be sure you have successfully setup both Shopify Market and Languages on your Store before continuing.

In this Article, we'll give you a quick overview of how to set up Shopify Markets and Languages in your store. However, we recommend exploring these topics in depth through the Shopify Help Center first.


From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Markets > Click Add market.

You will be able to enter your Market Name, along with select the countries you want to sell there for that Market

Once you are done, simply click on Add Market

Please be sure to check out the Preferrences settings. You might find a few useful settings there

Once you are done, your Storefront should have a Market selector like this one:


From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Languages, and click Add Language

Once you have selected a Language, simply click on the Add button

Be sure to publish it to make it in-use on your Store

Once you are done, your Storefront should have a Language Selector like this one:

Now you have successfully setup both Market selectors, and Language selector on your Store! We can move on to how to set up the Languages inside Teeinblue Product Personalizer App.


You might have already familiar with this Page (previously, we called it Translation)

In this section, you will able to translate static contents from the app.

If you have already set up the Shopify Market and Shopify Languages from the above step, you will be able to add new languages here by clicking on the +Add new languages button

Once you have selected a language, please continue the translation process:

Be sure to click Save to save your translation progress!

Keep doing so for all the Languages you have!


You can also translate your Artwork as well!

Go to your Artwork Page, click on the dot icon, then click Import to translation

You will be automatically re-directed to Extras > Artwork Translations section. Please click on Add to translation button to confirm.

In this section, you will have the option to auto translation all the current options' titles

With auto translate method, we use a third-party AI for the translation process. So please be sure to double-check the results. We suggest that you do your own translation there!

Be sure to click Save to save your translation progress!

Keep doing so for all the Languages you have!

At the moment, most contents like options' titles, options' labels, placeholder text, custom instruction text can be translated. We will be working on a new update which allows you to translate even more contents!

Updated on: 27/09/2024

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