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Add Condition for Layer

What is Condition for Layer

You can set a dependency for a layer to show up only when another layer meets a condition.
I.e. Layer "B" and its personalization option can only appear if customer selects a specific option in layer "A".

How it works

Let's take a look at this example for better understand:
Layer A named "Dark Hand" sets " 1 clipart category" and allows to change between "hold-drink" hand or "v-hand".

Layer B named "Drink" sets "1 clipart category", allows to personalize between different drink types.

If you want the "Drink" option only shows up when customers choose the Hand layer as "Hold drink", not "V-hand", then you need to set condition for "Drink" option:
+ Click on "Drink" layer
+ On Layers option panel, scroll down and click on Conditional settings
+ In the "Show this layer and its options when:" option, select the layer option (" Dark Hand") which this layer ("Drink") depends on
+ Select the value "Hold drink" to show the "Drink" option

Also, if you need to show your layer Drink without customer choosing dependency layer when they visit your product page for the first time, you can show dependency layer at first-time loading page by enabling "Show this layer on first load".

See and check result on live store:

Condition also works for option "1 Group of Clipart Categories". For group of clipart categories, you can choose to depend on multiple sub-categories.

Updated on: 23/07/2024

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