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Upload & manage Layers in Artwork

Create a new Artwork

Go to Artworks page, click on + New artwork button to open Artwork editor.

The New artwork from PSD button is for users who want to import a photoshop file to create an artwork. This feature will convert each groups of layers in the psd file into a template in artwork. If you don't want that, you can click on "+ New artwork" and upload psd inside Artwork editor, then all groups are uploaded as layers in one template.

Upload Layers

In Artwork editor
click on Image button to start uploading images
click on PSD button to uploading PSD file
or click on Add Text to write text.
The layers will show up in Layers list on the left.

However, for personalizable layers, you should upload the layer images one by one, not through psd file, to maintain the image ratio.

We do NOT recommend to upload the whole PSD file because:
Photoshop will trim the empty space of a layer by default, making its shape and ratio different.
Example: a Dog layer in Square shape, with empty space around, will be trimmed to rectangle shape which fits the dog's shape. It creates a different ratio from the original layer, and leads to incorrect re-position of personalized cliparts (if other cliparts are in square shape).

If your PSD file contain text and you want to add it as a personalized text layer, you should click convert text. Learn more about the text layer here

You can also click on the + icon to create various "special layers"

Dynamic Vector: upload a vector layer. Only support svg files. Also, please be sure to change the design format of your Artwork to SVG as well.
Paragraph: More info can be found here.
Additional Option: More info can be found here.
Group: You can create a group to put multiple layers into it. Continue reading this article to find more out details.
Addon charge: More info can be found here.

Manage Layers

To show or hide a layer, you can click on the "eye" icon

Hidden layer cannot be clickable or movable. Therefore, you can hide a layer if it overlays another layer that you want to edit.

To lock a layer (avoid moving when editing), click on key icon next to eye icon to show/hide layers.

To change the order of layers, drag and drop it to the correct order.

To group layers, you can press shortcut Ctrl (Cmd) + G or click "+" ➡ "Group" and moving layers to it

After grouping a set of layers, you can also copy-paste it within the same template, or between templates of the same artwork! Please use the shortcut Ctrl (Cmd) + C and Ctrl (Cmd) + V to do so!

To delete a layer, hover on the layer and click on recycle bin icon

To change layer name, double click on the layer and rename; enter to finish editing.

To re-size and move a layer in artwork, just drag and drop the layer in artwork preview:

To rotate a layer, click and hold the circle button on top. It will show the degree (deg) when you rotate:

To enable snap guidelines, click on the table icon ➡ enable toggle "Snap":

To show grid guidelines, click on the table icon ➡ enable toggle "Show grid":

To transform layer, click on the transforms button:

You can transform its position, or flip the layer vertically, horizontally!

To align layer, click on the align button:

You can also select multiple layers and align their position in relation to each other! In this case, please select selections option.

To select multiple layers and edit at a time, hold Ctrl key ➡ left mouse click on the layers to select:

To copy-paste layer, you can select multiple layers, or group, and use the shortcut shortcut Ctrl (Cmd) + C and Ctrl (Cmd) + V to do so!

To select a range of layers and edit at a time, hold Shift key ➡ left mouse click on the start-range layer and the end-range layer to choose range:

To replace a layer with another image, without setting the layer again, you can use the "Change default image" feature. The new image will replace the original layer and keep all the settings, including: size, position, personalize options, reposition...

To add personalization options to a layer, click the pencil icon to open personalization panel.

To learn more about all personalization options, please read this article: Personalization Options

Preview Options

Click on the "Preview Options" button to open the preview panel on the right side. It has 2 modes:

1. Preview mode: will help you visualize how your personalization form will look like on live store.

2. Re-order layer mode: allows you to re-arrange the order of each personalized layers. To re-order layers, just drag and drop the layer to the desire position. After saving artwork, the re-order action will apply to all campaigns that are using this current artwork.

3. Short-cut mode You can open and edit a layer immediately by clicking on the edit button

Remember to Update campaign after every changing to update it on your site.

Updated on: 17/07/2024

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