Where to find printarea guidelines of providers?
The printarea size should match the requirement of your fulfillment providers.
Login to your Dreamship account at dreamship.com/app
Search and select the product that you want to sell

Scroll down to see the Printarea sizes table

Login to your CustomCat account at https://app.customcat.com/signin
You can read about CustomCat's Artwork Guidelines here or find the guidelines in this sheet
Or you can search and select the product that you want to sell from the search bar

You can see the recommended max print size below

Login to your Printful account at printful.com
Go to Product Catalog page > Search and select the product you want to sell

Scroll down to see the file guidelines

Login to your Gelato account at dashboard.gelato.com
Go to Product Catalog page > Search and select the product you want to sell
Click on the 3-dot button (next to the "Start designing" button) > Download template

With Drinkware products, you can find a list of latest printarea size for them here.
With Phone Case products, you can find a list of latest printarea size for them here
With Wall Art products, you can find a list of latest printarea size for them here
Login to your Shirtee account at https://dashboard.shirtee.cloud/
Go to Product page and open the product you want to sell.

Scroll down to see the File Guidelines table.

Login to your Printway account at https://pro.printway.io/
Go to My Product page > Click on Create Campaign button.

Search and select the product that you want to sell. Then click on Continue.

Scroll down to see the Artwork sizes table.

Login to your Printify account at printify.com
Navigate to the Product section and choose a Product you want to sell. It will show many products from different providers for you to choose.

On product details, you can scroll down to see available print providers for that product.

You can research and pick a provider that matches your requirement. You should base on these criteria to choose a suitable provider: location, available variants, base cost, shipping cost, production time, shipping time. Also, the ranking of a provider will be updated frequently by Printify, based on production time, so you can consider this factor as well.
For example: if your market is Germany, you should pick a provider in Germany or within EU, so the shipping address will be lower than shipping from other continents. Then you can consider a provider with faster production time and cheaper base cost...
Each providers can require a different sizes of printarea for the same product.
Teeinblue will automatically import the printareas of the provider you selected when importing. But you should still double check the printarea requirement of that provider in Printify.
In Printify, hit Start designing button on the provider you choose. It will open the editor of that provider's product.

You can find a list of Available printareas on top, and Print area size in the right sidebar

Do not change printarea name after imported to Teeinblue. Printify requires correct printarea name to fulfill.
Login to your Dreamship account at dreamship.com/app
Search and select the product that you want to sell

Scroll down to see the Printarea sizes table

Login to your CustomCat account at https://app.customcat.com/signin
You can read about CustomCat's Artwork Guidelines here or find the guidelines in this sheet
Or you can search and select the product that you want to sell from the search bar

You can see the recommended max print size below

Login to your Printful account at printful.com
Go to Product Catalog page > Search and select the product you want to sell

Scroll down to see the file guidelines

Login to your Gelato account at dashboard.gelato.com
Go to Product Catalog page > Search and select the product you want to sell
Click on the 3-dot button (next to the "Start designing" button) > Download template

With Drinkware products, you can find a list of latest printarea size for them here.
With Phone Case products, you can find a list of latest printarea size for them here
With Wall Art products, you can find a list of latest printarea size for them here
Login to your Shirtee account at https://dashboard.shirtee.cloud/
Go to Product page and open the product you want to sell.

Scroll down to see the File Guidelines table.

Login to your Printway account at https://pro.printway.io/
Go to My Product page > Click on Create Campaign button.

Search and select the product that you want to sell. Then click on Continue.

Scroll down to see the Artwork sizes table.

Login to your Printify account at printify.com
Navigate to the Product section and choose a Product you want to sell. It will show many products from different providers for you to choose.

On product details, you can scroll down to see available print providers for that product.

You can research and pick a provider that matches your requirement. You should base on these criteria to choose a suitable provider: location, available variants, base cost, shipping cost, production time, shipping time. Also, the ranking of a provider will be updated frequently by Printify, based on production time, so you can consider this factor as well.
For example: if your market is Germany, you should pick a provider in Germany or within EU, so the shipping address will be lower than shipping from other continents. Then you can consider a provider with faster production time and cheaper base cost...
Each providers can require a different sizes of printarea for the same product.
Teeinblue will automatically import the printareas of the provider you selected when importing. But you should still double check the printarea requirement of that provider in Printify.
In Printify, hit Start designing button on the provider you choose. It will open the editor of that provider's product.

You can find a list of Available printareas on top, and Print area size in the right sidebar

Do not change printarea name after imported to Teeinblue. Printify requires correct printarea name to fulfill.
Updated on: 29/08/2024
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