Articles on: Campaign
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How to archive or delete a campaign

Archive function

At the moment, because campaign relates to many other data including orders, so with all campaigns that has orders (even if it's test orders), teeinblue won't allow to delete campaign permanently. Instead, to distinguish those campaigns that are no need of use, you can archive campaign to mark it as not in-use.

You can archive an "Unpublished" campaign, but can't archive a "Published" campaign.

Delete function

Deleting a campaign means that you are removing the campaign permanently from app. Currently, only campaigns that contain zero order can be deleted.

For campaigns that had orders, please use Archive function.

How to archive or delete a campaign

From Dashboard, go to Campaigns page.
You can only archive or delete Unpublished campaign, so make sure to unlink published campaign to make it unpublished.

(If your campaign is unpublished, you can skip this step)
Click on the menu button of campaign ➡ Select "See campaign info":

In Campaign details view, click on button "Unlink product from Shopify" to unpublish campaign:

After unlinked, the status of campaign will change to Unpublished.

"Unlink campaign" will remove the correspondent product from Shopify.

Archive campaign

If the Campaign is unpublished, click on the menu button of campaign ➡ Select "Mark as archive" to archive campaign:

If the Campaign is published, click on the menu button of Campaign ➡ Select "Delete Campaign", the select "Archive" to archive campaign:

Although you can archive a published Campaign, we suggest you un-publish it first as the previous step mentioned before doing so!

After archiving a campaign, the status of campaign will change to "Archived", like this:

With an archived campaign, you can still edit, duplicate campaign, and see campaign details as normal.

To un-archive a campaign, click on the menu button of campaign ➡ Select "Unarchive".

After that, the status of that campaign will be changed to "Unpublished" and you can publish campaign properly by clicking on this rocket icon:

Delete campaign

Click on the menu button of campaign ➡ Select "Delete campaign" to remove campaign:

Once a campaign is deleted, it can't be recovered.

Updated on: 11/06/2024

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