Articles on: Campaign
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Create a Campaign

A campaign is a combination of your product and design.

This is the instruction to create "Campaign by Product Base". For "Campaign by Shopify products", please read this article.

Each campaign will become a correspondent product on Shopify for selling.

You can do some basic actions for a campaign as normal product right from Shopify (setting shipping rates, temporarily set a product as draft etc.) but do NOT edit variants.
You should not edit variant detail (like product type, adding images, removing variants,…) in Shopify Products because it’ll be overridden when Updating campaigns.

To create a campaign, go to Campaigns page and click on +New campaign button.

First, name your campaign.

After launched, the campaign URL will be based on the Campaign title (you can change it later).

After naming your campaign, click "Save" and the Campaign Editor will open.

Campaign editor

Step 1: Add products & artworks

In this step, start adding your product base & artworks that you want to combine.

Add at least 1 product base

Printareas from the selected product base will show up. Add artworks to the suitable printarea

For example: add a "Girl & Dogs" on the Front of T-shirt, and a "Quote" on the Back.

Add artwork to the printarea you'd like to sell, no need to add artwork to all printareas. If a printarea has no artwork, it'll not be rendered in order design.

You can add multiple product bases. And sell the same or different artworks.

There will be an option for customers to select the product on store.

To edit a product base, hover on product name and click the Pencil icon to edit. A popup will appear to edit product name & variants.

You can click on the product title on top of the popup to change the product name appearing on store (only apply to this campaign).

To edit variants, click on the Color & Size options to choose to show which variants on store (Blue options are active).
Changes will be updated on the "Available Variants" table next to it.

Then click "Save".

Read this article to learn more: Edit Variants in Campaign

To remove a product base from campaign, edit it and click on "Remove from campaign".

Step 2: Preview Your Campaign

After finishing setting up campaign in Step 1, scroll down to preview campaign in Step 2.

Click on the Campaign name to edit it

Available Product is a list of product bases you added in Step 1.
Click on a product to change preview to that product, including the correspondent mockup, variant options and personalization form.

The personalization form is below the variant options. This form will show personalization options from all artworks added to the active product.
Read this article to learn more: Personalization Options in Campaign

You can upload new mockup or edit mockup just for Campaign.
Read this article to learn more: Mockup in Campaign

Step 3: Edit Campaign Information

A campaign launched to Shopify store will create a correspondent product in Shopify. So you can add the additional information for this campaign to sync to the product in Shopify.

Click on the "Edit campaign info" button on the sticky header. A popup will show up.

Product Type, Vendor & Tags: will become the Product Type, Vendor and Tags in Shopify Product

If you leave the "Vendor" field blank, it'll take the fulfillment provider name in Product Base.

Product Thumbnail: the featured image of product item, showing on other pages

Final: Launch Campaign

When your campaign is all ready to launch, it will show a green message at the bottom.

If the message bar shows in red, it means your campaign is missing something to launch. Please make sure:
There is at least one artwork and one product base
There is at least one available variant on each product base
All variants are valid (have SKU, color, size, price)
No duplicate SKUs between products and variants

If the message is green, you can click on "Launch" button on top right corner to publish campaign to online store.

You can also launch a campaign to multiple stores (Read more about Launching campaign to multiple stores)

After launching, some buttons will show up:
Launch button changes to "Update", so you can update campaign whenever you make a change.
View button to open campaign URL on storefront.
Logs button to view campaign history.
Edit URL to change the product handle on store.

Bulk create campaigns

Note: This feature allows Sellers to create and publish quick campaigns with one artwork for all printareas only. And all the other options such as locate artwork, edit mockup images, are not usable in the bulk creator. We add this automatization of combining the product with artwork to save time and increase efficiency while creating campaigns.

Each row is a campaign.
The selected artwork will be applied to all printareas of all added product bases.
No locate artwork, no custom variant's printarea, no edit product.

Bulk creating Campaigns manually

Select store
Your current store is always auto selected and displayed as default.
Click on this box to view your store list in the dropdown and Hit to change your store if needed.

An Artwork Pop-up will show up when you click on + Artwork. You either can browse the pop-up or type in Search box to find your Artwork.

Product Bases
Choose maximum 5 product bases that you want to use for each campaign in the Product Base list. These products will show up in the Product Available in the Campaign.

All the printarea of the product will share the same selected Artwork. There is no option to modify printarea or Artwork here.

Campaign name & Tags
Campaign name: The name of your Campaign set in teeinblue
Tags: Product tags to classify your product on Shopify. Each tag should be separated by comma (For example: canvas, father, dad)

Product type & Vendor
Will become the Product Type & Vendor in Shopify Product

Create & Publish
The status of each current campaign. Once you hit Create & Publish, the status will change from Editing > Processed > Success, Not Published > Published, these button will change from grey to green color.

Remove campaign
Click on button "X" under the publish status to remove each campaign.

+ Campaign
Add more campaign to edit and publish at the same time.

Clear published entries
Remove the published campaign from the list.

Bulk creating Campaigns using CSV file

First of all, you can download our template by using the Download Template button.

Downloading the Campaign template

Alternatively, you can try the following link.

The Template is fixed. You cannot make any changes to its format.

In the CSV Template, you will find these 2 new columns:

Continue reading to find out how to fill in them.

Artwork ID column
You will have to enter the Artwork ID of your Artwork here.
You can get the Artwork ID by following this image:

Getting the Artwork ID

Product IDs column
You will have to enter the Product IDs here.
You can get the Product IDs by following this image:

Getting the Product IDs

You can enter maximum 5 product base IDs, separated by commas. For example: 000, 111, 222, 333, 444

Be sure to use a spacebar right after the comma, so that the table tool you are using will recognize each ID individually.

A correct CSV Template should look like this:

Filling in information for the CSV file

Be sure to fill in the rest of the columns as mentioned in the previous steps.

Once you are ready with the CSV file, simply use the Import button to upload it.

The data in the CSV file will be used to fill in all the columns. Be sure to double-check all the IDs, and the other columns here. If you enter the wrong IDs, the Campaign will have mis-match Artwork/Product Bases.

Please keep in mind the followings:

You can only use exactly one Artwork ID for each row
You can only use up to 5 Product Base IDs for each row
It might take a while to publish multiple Campaigns at the same time. Please do NOT close the tab, or change into other pages
We highly recommend double checking your campaigns after they are published to ensure all the campaign information is shown correctly.

Updated on: 26/07/2024

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