Templates of Artwork
What is Artwork Template
An artwork can have multiple templates to show on live store. By having templates, you can diversify your design versions for customers to choose.
For example: a design with a theme "woman and dogs" can divide into 3 templates: one template with 3 dogs, one with 2 dogs, one with 1 dog.

Then on storefront, there will be an option to choose a template on top:

Template options will always be on top of a personalization form.
Because switching templates will affect the artwork design; therefore changing the personalization options as well.
Example: the "3 dogs" template will have 3 options to choose dog breeds, while the "1 dog" template only show 1 option.
Create a new Template
You can duplicate your original template by clicking on icon "Duplicate"
Or, you can click on the icon "+" to create new template

Import a new Template
You can now import a template from another artwork to your current artwork.

Once you selected Import from artwork, a new menu will appear allowing you to choose the Template from the Artwork you want.

Please keep in mind that the ratio of the Template you selected might be different from your current Artwork. You might have to drag-and-drop these layers again to adjust them.

Edit a Template
Click on a Template tab to select it. There are some action buttons to edit a template:

Click on Pencil icon to edit:
+ Edit template name
+ Upload thumbnail image for template

Duplicate icon: to duplicate a template
X icon: to delete a template
Note: You cannot delete all templates. There must always be one template as default.
If an artwork only have one template, the Template option will not appear on storefront.
To re-order templates, drag the six dots icon before template name.
If you find it difficult to arrange many templates, you can click on the arrow down to show all templates - there you can reorder all.

Hide a Template
You can temporarily hide a Template if you do not want to show it on your Store anymore.

You can do so by selecting the Template you want to hide, then click on the eye icon.
Be sure to update the Campaign again after the change.
Template Settings
Click on the cog icon to show Display settings for the template option of this artwork.

There are 2 ways to display Template options:
Dropdown list: Template names will be listed in a dropdown option

Radio button:
+ If templates don't contain Thumbnail images: show Template names as buttons

+ If templates contain Thumbnail images: show as image

Label of template options: the title of the Template options. If you leave this option blank, it will be "Artwork name template" by default.
Updated on: 17/07/2024
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