Articles on: Seller Cases

Temporarily change Price for your Product via Shopify during Sale Season

CASE: Temporarily change the Price for your Product during Sale Season

It's Sale Season. You want to temporarily change the Price for your Product, but only for a while. After the Sale Season is over, you would like to revert to the original Price.

As you might have known, every time you update your Campaigns, Teeinblue will always replace all your changes via Shopify. In this article, we will guide your through a few methods to temporarily bypass that. You can choose the method that is most suitable for your business.

Please keep in mind that you should only do this to update the Price. Changes relating to the availability of the Variants, adding or removing Variant will always have to be done via the application instead.

METHOD 1. Make Teeinblue ignore Variant synching when updating Campaign.

When updating Campaigns, you can actually select what data to sync. In this case, you can simply disable the Variants option. By doing so, you can freely change the Price of your Product via Shopify Admin > Variant section without worrying that Teeinblue will replace that change after updating the Campaign.

Make changes to the Price via Shopify Admin > Variant section

Once the Sale Season is over, you can enable Variant Syncing again to use Teeinblue's old prices.

IMPORTANT: Please do not remove or add new variants via Shopify. By doing so will affect how Teeinblue receive orders' data, and your orders might not be synced in to the app at all. All changes regarding to variant availability, adding or removing variants will still have to be done via the Teeinblue application.

METHOD 2. Manually set the Price of your Product via Market setting

Similar to the first method, you can use Shopify Market feature to temporarily raise/lower the Price of your Product for a targeted Market region.
More information regarding Shopify Market can be found here.

Navigate to your Shopify Admin > Settings > Market > Select the Market you want. In this case, I will try with my Primary Market - USA.

After you have selected a Market, continue to select Product and Pricing

Search for the Product you want to make changes to, then input a new Price for it.

Check your results on the Storefront


- Since you are only adjusting the Price for a particular Market, this method will not affect the Variant Price at all. Your current Variant Price will remain the same.
- You can actually set different Prices for different Market, whether it be increasing or decreasing!
- Updating Campaign via Teeinblue will not replace this setting!

Once the Sale Season is over, you can click on the Reset button.

After that, the Product Page will show the old Price from your Shopify > Variant > Price section.


You can use various third-party applications to mass update the Price of your Products.

If you want to use third-party app to do so, please consider disabling the Variant synching mentioned from Method 1 above first.

You can find a list of other application we recommend here:

GetSale Bulk Discounts Manager. Install here.
Platmart: Bulk Price Editor. Install here.
NA Bulk Price Editor. Install here.

Please note that we are not affiliated with these organizations in any way. We do not assume responsibility or support duties for these recommendations. They are provided solely as suggestions. Please search for any other applications that is most suitable for your business.

Updated on: 17/07/2024

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