Articles on: FAQs

How to cancel Teeinblue's subscription

Teeinblue's charges are handled by Shopify Billings. Therefore, please follow the guide below to cancel Teeinblue's subscription, we cannot cancel your on-going subscription on our side.

You need to uninstall Teeinblue app from your Shopify store to cancel your subscription. All your designs in Teeinblue will remain intact so if you want to start with Teeinblue again, you just need to reinstall Teeinblue then all your data will still be there.

Uninstall Teeinblue to cancel subscription

Go to your Shopify admin > Settings

Go to Apps and sales channels > Find "Teeinblue Product Personalizer" app > Hover on it and click on Uninstall button

Select a reason for uninstalling (optional): please write some feedback for us to get better

Click on Uninstall button

There might be some left-over code in your theme, if you wish to remove it all, please follow this instruction: How to uninstall Teeinblue completely

Done. Then Teeinblue will be removed from your store and all subscriptions will be canceled.

Updated on: 01/04/2024

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