Articles on: Seller Cases

How to hide a Product from showing up on your Store search function

CASE: Hiding a Product from showing up on your Storefront search function

There are cases in which you still want to sell a Product, but you do not want the Product to show up on search function, or the Customers to find it. We will guide you through the steps on how to do it.

This is particularly useful when you want to sell a Product with add-on charge feature.

From your Shopify Admin, navigate to Settings > Custom Data > Metafields definition > Products

Click on Add definition button

Under the subfield “Name” enter Hide from search. In the “Namespace and Key” section, write seo.hidden, and set the field type to integer and click Save.

Go back to your Product section, find the Product you'd like to hide from search, scroll down until you see the metafields section

Set this field value to 1 if you do not want it to show up on search.

The Product will then not show up on your Store search function anymore

You can also not adding any tags, collections, or type to it, so it will not showing up on your Storefront in anyway at all!

Updated on: 22/07/2024

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