Mockup of Product Base
Product mockup is a prototype image that lets your customer preview your product and design.
Mockups in Product Base will be later used in Campaign to show artwork on product.
All changes of printarea in mockup are just for preview purpose, they will NOT affect the final order design. For example: you can crop a printarea to half in mockup, but the final design will still be in full size.
If you Import product automatically from fulfillment services, there will be some default mockup images given by fulfillment providers. By default, Teeinblue will only import a first few Mockup Images from the Catalog. You can click on the Import from Supplier button to manually choose any images you want to import

Or, you can upload mockup manually for your product by clicking on "Upload" button.

Mockup images should be in .PNG or .JPG/.JPEG format.
Unlimited number of mockup images.
Size of each image should be less than 32mb.
To optimize speed, mockup after uploaded will be resized to maximum 960 x 960px in width or height (images smaller than 1000px will not be resized).
You can drag-and-drop the Mockup Images, to change its position.

If you add more mockup images to the Product Base of on-going Campaigns, you can choose whether to add them to your Campaigns immediately.

Alternatively, you can to go to these Campaigns, and manually import the new ones again.

After uploading an image as mockup, the Mockup editor will show up
Click on "Add Printarea" button to add the correct printarea to the mockup
For example: a mockup for the front side of a t-shirt will need a "Front" printarea.
All printareas which you setup in Product Base will be listed to add.

Add the correct printarea. Adjust its position, size and rotation to fit the mockup.

Later, when you add artworks to product base in Campaign, artworks will show up on mockup according to the size and position of printareas.

The ratio of a printarea is fixed according to the size you set in Product Base.
To change the ratio, you need to change the size of printarea in Product Base.
You can add a printarea multiple times in a mockup

You can also re-order printareas backward/forward by dragging and dropping position

In some cases, you may want to show only some parts of a printarea.
You can use the feature "Enable masked" to crop the printarea.
Click on a printarea you want to crop
In the Printarea options below, turn on the Enable masked button. The Mask will show up in green.

Hit "Edit mask" button to adjust mask's size and position.
You cannot move the mask outside of the printarea.

Only the parts of artwork in the mask (green area) can show up on mockup. Other parts will be hidden.

By default, mask is a rectangle shape. You can add an image to adjust the shape of the mask.
In "Add mask image" field, click "Browse" to upload an image, or paste an image URL. (need to enable mask to see this option)

Mask image must be in .PNG format with transparent background so our app can detect the shape.
Then the mask will turn into the shape of the uploaded image.

Later, artwork added to this product base will only show the part inside the mask image

You can still adjust the size and position of the mask image by clicking on Edit mask option

You can preview how artwork looks on mockup when editing mockup in Campaign.
Read this article to learn more: Add Multiple Image Layers to Mockup.
For some mockup images, the product part can be displayed in distort angle, not straight view.
We can use the "Edit Perspective" feature to adjust printarea to fit all kind of mockup with different perspectives and shape.
For example, this mockup below does not show the T-shirt in a straight view; therefore, the artwork shows on it later will look unfit.

For this case, we can:
Click on the printarea. Then click on "Edit perspective" button.

Drag the 4 corners to adjust the angle of printarea.
Note: rotation and zoom are disabled when you use Perspective.

If you're in a Campaign, then you can enable the "Preview mode" to adjust the perspective better

The result:

Read this article to learn more: Change background color of Mockup as variant color.
The Mockup Images are used to represent your Products to the Customers only. No matter how you edit it, it will not effect the Order files in any way.
You can now preview Artwork directly from Product Base section
While editing a Mockup Image, scroll down to the Preview Artwork section. and click on Select Artwork to preview button:

Select the Artwork you want to Preview

You can now have a better idea of how the Artwork is going to fit on your Mockup Image

Mockups in Product Base will be later used in Campaign to show artwork on product.
All changes of printarea in mockup are just for preview purpose, they will NOT affect the final order design. For example: you can crop a printarea to half in mockup, but the final design will still be in full size.
Upload mockup in Product Base
If you Import product automatically from fulfillment services, there will be some default mockup images given by fulfillment providers. By default, Teeinblue will only import a first few Mockup Images from the Catalog. You can click on the Import from Supplier button to manually choose any images you want to import

Or, you can upload mockup manually for your product by clicking on "Upload" button.

Mockup images should be in .PNG or .JPG/.JPEG format.
Unlimited number of mockup images.
Size of each image should be less than 32mb.
To optimize speed, mockup after uploaded will be resized to maximum 960 x 960px in width or height (images smaller than 1000px will not be resized).
You can drag-and-drop the Mockup Images, to change its position.

If you add more mockup images to the Product Base of on-going Campaigns, you can choose whether to add them to your Campaigns immediately.

Alternatively, you can to go to these Campaigns, and manually import the new ones again.

Add printarea to mockup
After uploading an image as mockup, the Mockup editor will show up
Click on "Add Printarea" button to add the correct printarea to the mockup
For example: a mockup for the front side of a t-shirt will need a "Front" printarea.
All printareas which you setup in Product Base will be listed to add.

Add the correct printarea. Adjust its position, size and rotation to fit the mockup.

Later, when you add artworks to product base in Campaign, artworks will show up on mockup according to the size and position of printareas.

The ratio of a printarea is fixed according to the size you set in Product Base.
To change the ratio, you need to change the size of printarea in Product Base.
You can add a printarea multiple times in a mockup

You can also re-order printareas backward/forward by dragging and dropping position

Mockup Mask
In some cases, you may want to show only some parts of a printarea.
You can use the feature "Enable masked" to crop the printarea.
Click on a printarea you want to crop
In the Printarea options below, turn on the Enable masked button. The Mask will show up in green.

Hit "Edit mask" button to adjust mask's size and position.
You cannot move the mask outside of the printarea.

Only the parts of artwork in the mask (green area) can show up on mockup. Other parts will be hidden.

By default, mask is a rectangle shape. You can add an image to adjust the shape of the mask.
In "Add mask image" field, click "Browse" to upload an image, or paste an image URL. (need to enable mask to see this option)

Mask image must be in .PNG format with transparent background so our app can detect the shape.
Then the mask will turn into the shape of the uploaded image.

Later, artwork added to this product base will only show the part inside the mask image

You can still adjust the size and position of the mask image by clicking on Edit mask option

You can preview how artwork looks on mockup when editing mockup in Campaign.
Add Multi-layers to mockup
Read this article to learn more: Add Multiple Image Layers to Mockup.
Edit Perspective
For some mockup images, the product part can be displayed in distort angle, not straight view.
We can use the "Edit Perspective" feature to adjust printarea to fit all kind of mockup with different perspectives and shape.
For example, this mockup below does not show the T-shirt in a straight view; therefore, the artwork shows on it later will look unfit.

For this case, we can:
Click on the printarea. Then click on "Edit perspective" button.

Drag the 4 corners to adjust the angle of printarea.
Note: rotation and zoom are disabled when you use Perspective.

If you're in a Campaign, then you can enable the "Preview mode" to adjust the perspective better

The result:

Change background color as variant color
Read this article to learn more: Change background color of Mockup as variant color.
The Mockup Images are used to represent your Products to the Customers only. No matter how you edit it, it will not effect the Order files in any way.
Preview Artwork from Mockup Images
You can now preview Artwork directly from Product Base section
While editing a Mockup Image, scroll down to the Preview Artwork section. and click on Select Artwork to preview button:

Select the Artwork you want to Preview

You can now have a better idea of how the Artwork is going to fit on your Mockup Image

Updated on: 29/07/2024
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