Articles on: Orders & Fulfill
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Fulfill orders with Shopify products-integrated providers

For some Shopify products-integrated providers, we can use Campaign by Shopify products to create a personalized product, then the app of those providers can fulfill its orders.

These following providers can fulfill orders with the design created from Teeinblue:
* Shirtigo
* Marketprint
* Hoplix
* ShineOn
* Gelato (Require Gelato+ Gold)

Providers other than those above mentioned CANNOT fulfill orders with Teeinblue's design. So make sure to fulfill the orders manually for other providers.

The basic steps for this flow are:
Create a product from the print provider's app and publish it to Shopify.
Use "Campaign by Shopify products" in Teeinblue to add personalization to that product.
Done. Then when orders are placed, the print provider's app can read the Teeinblue's custom design under each order and fulfill it.

Below is the detailed instructions for each provider:

Step 0. Re-check "Line item property" settings

Make sure you've selected "Line item property" in Store settings > General settings > Add order design URL to Shopify Orders.

This way we can attach the order design generated from Teeinblue to Shopify order item:

Step 1. Publish a print provider's product to Shopify

For Shirtigo

Shirtigo has a detailed tutorial for our integration here:

For Marketprint

This is an instruction to use "Campaign by Shopify products". If you use "Campaign by Product base", Marketprint has another workaround here.

Install Marketprint app to your store.
Login to Marketprint dashboard.
Find a product you want to sell and click "Start designing".
Check the box "This is a customizable product" and select the printarea you need. This step will help you skip uploading a design in Marketprint (because you'll need to upload the design in Teeinblue instead) and also show you the requirement size of the design.

Click "Next" and fill in the product info. Then check the box "Publish the product in the shop immediately" to publish this product to Shopify.

Click "Create" button. The product will become a Shopify product.

Continue in step 2.

For Hoplix

For Italian instruction, please read this article from Hoplix.

Install Hoplix app to your store.
Login to Hoplix dashboard.
Go to "My products" > click "Create product" button. In the editor, click "Change product" to choose a product.
In the "Images" section, click "Add image from Customization" button. This will help you skip uploading a design in this step (because you'll need to upload the design in Teeinblue instead).
Click "Save product".
Fill in the product info and click "Forward".
In the final step, remember to check the box "Prodotto Standby". For Teeinblue's orders, you should double check the customer's design before sending to production, so you should check this box to prevent the provider from automatically fulfilling your orders.

Click "Publish product". The product will be become a Shopify product.

For ShineOn

Install ShineOn app to your store.
Login to ShineOn dashboard.
Go to Catalog > click on a product you want to sell > Add artworks > Upload any image (Teeinblue's design will replace this image later).
Click "Publish" button. The product will be become a Shopify product.

For Gelato

It's required to get Gelato+ Gold subscription for this integration.

Install Gelato app to your store.
Login to Gelato dashboard.
Go to Stores > click on your Shopify store > Settings > Automatic processing of print files from Shopify apps
Enter "_tib_design_link_1" & "_tib_design_link_2" to the "Print file field name" > Save. Then Gelato can take the design link that Teeinblue attaches in Shopify Orders.

Create a product in Gelato app (you can upload any image to create this product, Teeinblue's design will replace this image later) > Publish the product to your store. The product will be become a Shopify product.

Step 2. Create a "Campaign by Shopify product" in Teeinblue

Login to Teeinblue.
If you haven't had an artwork yet, please create an Artwork.

The artwork size must match the requirement size of the product.

Go to Campaigns > by Shopify products > click "New campaign" button.
Click "+" button > choose the product from the provider app that you created in Step 1 > Create.

Select an Artwork to add the custom design to this product.
Upload a mockup for live preview.
Launch the campaign.

For more instruction on Campaign by Shopify product, please read this article.

Then on storefront, you'll have a personalization form for your provider's product.

Step 3. Fulfill orders.

After customers personalize and place an order with the product you created in Step 2, an order will show up in Shopify Orders. Each order item will have a line "_tib_design_link_1" containing the customer's design.

Since the product was genereated from the print provider's app, their app can read this order and take the design in the "_tib_design_link_1" to fulfill.

This step is automatically done by the provider's app. If there's any problem, please contact your provider for help.

The design in "_tib_design_link" might take 2 - 15 minutes to generate, so the link might not be accessible right away. Please DO NOT enable Automatic processing for these orders. You need to wait until the designs are generated successfully and manually fulfill the orders in your provider's app.

Updated on: 22/03/2024

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