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In-depth guide regarding Additional Option feature

Basic understanding of Additional Option

Additional option is an extra selection only showing up on personalization form, and does not add any layer to the artwork design.

You can use Additional option to:

Add a question to personalized form

Add an extra level of options

For example: You want your customers to choose Hair color before Hairstyle. So you can use an additional option to choose hair color first, then the hairstyle option will show up based on the color selected.

The layer of Additional Option itself won't be rendered in order design since it's only an extra selection displaying on form and has no layer in artwork. You will have to add image layers and set their condition based on the Additional Option you create.

Add Additional Option to your Design

In this section, we will guide you through one of the most common example. The Customers can choose between a set of Hair Colors. Within each Hair Color, there are many different Hairstyles they can continue to choose from.

STEP 1. Create an Additional Option category

Go to AssetsAdditional Option ➡ Click on the button New Category

Enter the name for option category, then click + Create button

Start creating new option by entering name of the first option in Item name ➡ click +Add new to confirm and save this new option

Create all options in this category. Drag and drop to re-order the options.

Additional option supports only one level of category.

Display methods of additional option

There are 3 ways to display additional options on personalization form:

Step 2: Set up clipart categories

Go to Clipart Categories page ➡ click on + New category, and name it as Hair - by color
In Hair - by color category, create 3 sub-categories subsequent as: Black, Blond and Red

In each sub-category of hair color, create another level of sub-categories for hairstyles, such as Bun, Shoulder length, and Long length.

Then, upload cliparts for each hairstyle sub-category:

Step 3: Set up multi-level selection for layer in artwork editor

3.1: Add additional option in artwork

Go to Artworks page, create new artwork or edit an existent artwork
In artwork editor, click on the + icon, then select Additional Option

Then, link it to the set of Additional Option you have created in earlier step:

You can add title for option as Hair Color to display this title field on storefront

Mark this option as required to avoid customer to mis-select this option:

Choose default value for your additional option. In this example, we will show red hair color as default so we choose Red as default value:

3.2: Add condition for Hair layer to create multi-level selection

Upload a hair layer and name it after the color of hair. For example: Hair - Black:

Resize and move the hair to correct position. Add personalization settings for it, in this example we will choose personalization of 1 Group of clipart categories to create muti-level selection. So, choose the parent category Black.

Reposition cliparts and add extra information like Mark as required, Title and Placeholder. (Learn more about Personalization settings)

Now, open Conditional Setting ➡ in Conditional Setting field, select layer Hair color then choose option Black

Upload 2 same hairstyles, but with different color in blond and red. Resize and move it to the same position as black hair. Repeat the above steps for setup.

For Blond hair layer:

For Red hair layer:

You can click on the eye icon to temporarily toggle off the other Hair Layers for easier working

Continue to add condition for the 2 layers Blond and Red you have uploaded. Choose the corresponding options for them as below

For Blond hair layer:

For Red hair layer:

Now, choose a hairstyle that you want to display as first load on storefront. Since your hairstyles are added condition, so you need to enable Show this layer on first load for a hairstyle. Or else, hair won't show on storefront.

Enable this option for ONLY 1 hairstyle, or else other hairstyles will also be shown on storefront.

In this example, we will show red hairstyle as first load on storefront:

This is a very important step as it will affect how your default Artwork appear on the Storefront. Please view the comparison below.

On the left image, there is no Show this layer on first load, and the Hair will not load.

Click Save and done.

Step 4: Check result on storefront

Create and launch campaign (Read more about Creating campaign)

Remember to check the field order before launching campaign.

View product page, click on some options to see muli-level of hair selection:

After selecting hair color option, layer Blond and group of Blond hair cliparts are showed

Select a hairstyle category, cliparts are showed

You can use this method with other cases of setup multi-level selection as well. E.g. set up skin layer and body, choose a pet (dog or cat) in template, number of people in template, pet baby (puppy or kitty), etc.

If you need further help with this kind of setup, feel free to direct us via live chat in portal.

Updated on: 21/06/2024

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