FAQs (Frequent-Asked-Questions) for teeinblue
1. Can I use teeinblue even if I don't use any fulfillment provided in app?
Yes, you can use our app as normal even if you don't use the fulfillment providers which teeinblue integrates with.
You can manually:
Create your product base
Export your orders as CSV file
Send orders to your fulfillment.
2. What is the difference between an API-integrated Provider, and a CSV-Integrated Provider?
API-integrated Provider basically is a third-party Fulfillment Provider which has direct connection to the teeinblue application. You can quickly import the Products from their Catalogue, and send your Orders directly to them.
How to find API key of integrated Fulfillment providers
Send Orders to Fulfillment Providers
CSV-Integrated Provider: With these Fulfillment Providers, the setting up and fulfillment process is a little complicated:
You will have to manually create the Product Base, based on their guideline.
You will have to export your Orders as a CSV file, and manually upload them into their system
All the Product Guidelines and CSV Template will be provided by the Fulfillment Providers
3. If I have an API key of other fulfillment providers (excluded from teeinblue's list), can you help me to connect with it?
For this request, we're sorry to say that it's unable to do that, because each fulfillments has a different process and requirements of fulfilling. We suggest you to try out one of the services that we offer you, or manually send orders to your fulfillment services
Read more: Send orders to Fulfillment providers).
If a provider is requested by many teeinblue users, we might consider to integrate teeinblue with it.
4. Do you know where to get clipart?
We suggest users to search for cliparts on some design markets like Etsy or Creative Fabrica. You can search for the niche + "clipart" (e.g. "dog breed clipart", "hairstyle clipart") to find what you need for your artwork.
See more clipart sources from the article: Where to find designs for Print On Demand?
5. How does your pricing plan work? Can you explain the transaction fee? What are free orders meaning?
For all questions about Pricing plan, we have a full article to answer all concerns about pricing.
Please visit Pricing FAQs to learn more.
6. Is there any limit of uploading files? And what are the limits?
Yes, teeinblue has limit when uploading files. It's all related to file size or artwork size since our server is limited, in details:
For clipart:
Maximum size is 64 megabytes (Mb) per clipart (recommend size < 32Mb).
Each Clipart cannot exceed 64 megapixels. (You can calculate megapixel by multiplying the height with the width of image. For example: an image is 8000x5000 px --> 40 megapixels)
For product mockup:
Maximum size is 64Mb per mockup (recommend size < 32Mb)
For artwork:
Maximum artwork size is 12.000 x 12.000 pixel (recommend size < 8000x8000 pixel for stability).
Each artwork layer cannot exceed 128 megabytes (Mb)
Each artwork layer cannot exceed 128 megapixels. (You can calculate megapixel by multiplying the height with the width of image. For example: an image is 3000x5000 px --> 15 megapixels)
View detailed information in the following article Artwork Size
7. What if the printarea suggested by my provider is in different measurement unit (in/mm/cm), not pixel?
teeinblue can only support settings all size in pixel (px), so you need to convert the size of print-area from in/cm/mm to pixel.
When converting, you may need to notice the DPI.
You can use this website: https://www.blitzresults.com/en/pixel/ to convert in/mm/cm to pixel in different DPI. The higher the DPI is, the bigger the resolution is.
Usually in printing, the standard DPI is 300 and the minimum should be 150. Lower DPI may result in bad printing quality.
For example: a 4x9in printarea can be converted to 1200x2700px with 300 dpi, but only 288x648px with 72 dpi.
Learn more about DPI here: A Guide To Understand DPI.
8. How to set up artwork and printarea for mug following the instruction of my fulfillment services?
We have a detailed instruction for you to follow in here. Please check and follow, if you find it difficult or it doesn't work for you, please contact our support for help.
9. Why does the live preview of gallery not work on my teeinblue's product page?
If live preview isn't working, it might be because that your theme gallery hasn't been replaced by teeinblue's gallery yet.
We have an instruction to add teeinblue's gallery to theme by yourself. But if you find it difficult to implement, please contact our support for help.
10. I can't see the chatbox in app / I can't send a message in the live chat box
We use a 3rd-party service for this chat box, so sometimes there might be something wrong on their side that makes the chat box unavailable.
In that case, please send us an email to contact@teeinblue.on.crisp.email or support@teeinblue.com.
Updated on: 14/07/2023
Thank you!